The IAM will not have a float in the Mobile Labor Day Parade this year because of the Grand Lodge Convention but we are participating in the Airbus 5K.
On Saturday, September 24, 2016, the IAM will be participating in the Airbus 5K Run on the runway in Mobile, Alabama. We have participated in this event the past two years and had great success thanks to the tremendous support from the Grand Lodge, you and the members of District Lodge 75. We would very much like to have a strong contingent from District 75 this year as well.
The event includes a 5K run and a 1-mile fun run for the kids. The Grand Lodge IAM sponsorship provides us with 25 free entries. Runner forms are downloadable on the “Upcoming Events ” page. The pre-race events begin at 4:00 PM on Saturday, September 24, 2016, and the races start at 5:30 PM (fun run) and 6:00 PM (5K).
The Grand Lodge will handle the travel logistics for District 75 members the same way as they did last year. If we have more than 25 volunteers who would like to participate, District 75 will contact the Grand Lodge to discuss the travel logistics for the volunteers over the 25 free entries.
Please send this information to all of your assigned Local Lodges and ask for volunteers to attend this event. Please have all volunteers fill out the Runner Form and return to me. As I receive more information, I will pass it on to everyone.
Henry “Pappy” Perrigin
Assistant Directing Business Representative
IAM & AW District Lodge 75
502 Plaza Drive, Enterprise, AL 36330
Office: (334) 347-4085
Fax: (334) 347-4088
Cell: (334) 798-5617